Total Distributed as of 2/14/2025
Food Type
Lbs. Distributed
Cat Food10,601 Lbs.
 200 Lbs.
Dog Food59,369 Lbs.
Other5,592 Lbs.
 Total Distributed: 75,762 Lbs.
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Rescue Facilities
Thank You
God at Work


About Us
As the founder and President, to know me is to know the following:  My love of Jesus Christ; My love of family; and My love of animals.  You might say this is my own personal Trinity (of course, no blasphemy intended!).  Without Jesus Christ, I wouldn’t have the capacity to love my family or animals.  I find Christ within my family and the precious soulfull eyes of my pets. When my dog offers me comfort, I feel my Lord and when my family offers me their support, I feel him as well.  Certainly not claiming that my dogs and family are the same as Jesus Christ, but significantly interwoven…

My husband (our organization's Secretaryr and director) and I live in Fulshear, TX with our daughter, Chocolate Lab daughter, Beagle/Bassett mix son, Pitbull Mix daughter, and a handful of adopted fish (please, don’t tell them their adopted!).  Although I work for my husband three days of the week in an industrial related capacity, I have a Masters in Professional Counseling, and although I don’t practice, I maintain my license.


My wonderful father, Victor Russell, is our organization's Treasurer as well as a director.  A devout Christian and a worthy role-model, he has placed the needs and welfare of others before his own long before his daughter asked for his involvement.

We are based out of Katy/Fulshear area, but service the majority of Houston and many of the surrounding areas.  We are committed to doing everything within our power to see that no one is denied some form of assistance. 

In May 2009, I, the founder and President, took a step back and thought, “I’ve lived a blessed life in everyway imaginable.  I want to help others – give back, but I want my heart to truly be involved.  I don’t want to help out of obligation, but desire…”  It didn’t take me long to discover my niche.  A dream of mine, now, is to look back in 2015 and say, “Wow!!!  Look how far Provisions Through Christ, Inc. has come!!!”  I’ve always had a good business head, strong drive and determination, and faith that regardless of my heavenly request if its God's will my prayers will materialize.  Thank you for you interest, consideration, and blessings.

God Bless you, your family, and your pets.  Through Him ALL things are possible.

PTC, Inc. Public Documents