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Thank you for visiting Provisions Through Christ, Inc.!
Provisions Through Christ, Inc. pet food pantry is 501(c)(3)
non-profit charitable organization with the mission of helping feed pets that
are at risk of being re-homed or shelter placed due to economic circumstance or
financial disadvantage, primarily in the Houston area. Our intention is to
provide pet food assistance on a temporary basis, rather than long-term/on-going
Our ultimate goal is to intervene before a family
pet is re-homed or placed in a shelter placed due to financial strain resulting
in limited or obsolete funds available for pet food. We would be considered the
“middle man”. We've made it our job to find pet food/pet supply donors and
allocate those needed provisions. We are also invested in supplying temporary
provisions to shelters and rescue facilities in need.
It affects us emotionally to hear of pets separated from their family or even
another pet. We grieve for the family AND the cat(s) and/or dog(s) that
undoubtedly grieve(s) as well. Especially, the children of such families who
have no control whatsoever. In a perfect world, no animal would be homeless or
reside in a shelter. However, reality being what it is, we are willing to
dedicate our time and effort (not to mention, money!) to helping people keep the
pets that are loved if the cause for relocation is lack of or low funds.
As a 501(c)(3) approved nonprofit, we would be happy to offer you or your
business a tax-deductible receipt when donations are received.
Additionally, if you are a pet affiliated business AND you presently “dump” your
soon-to- expire or damaged food bags/cans, PLEASE contact us. Even if it’s a one
time donation of one small bag of food or one tiny can…we would be grateful. Not
to mention those who receive the end result of your donation. We would be
privileged to let the receiver know of who has helped them (you!) unless you
prefer to remain anonymous.
Of course, Provisions Through Christ, Inc. welcomes
personal donations whether it is a can of food or a gift card or check.
Even if you decide you can’t or are unable to
donate, please say a prayer for Provisions Through Christ, Inc., that God guides
our endeavor, we find donations, and He leads us to people who need help.
Thank you so much for your consideration,
Allison Walla
Provisions Through Christ, Inc.
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