Total Distributed as of 2/14/2025
Food Type
Lbs. Distributed
Cat Food10,601 Lbs.
 200 Lbs.
Dog Food59,369 Lbs.
Other5,592 Lbs.
 Total Distributed: 75,762 Lbs.
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"I think it is a wonderful thing you are doing! I love my kitten so much but it is her that I can not leave behind no matter how hard things get. And I agree with you as well. relocated our family friend should be the last thing a owner should do. Even when I am feeding my family of 3 I still put what ever I can give Chinita on her plate. When I should be eating it myself. Thank you so much. Bless you! "

Submitted by: Jessica  @ Saturday, July 18, 2009  - Houston , TX

"I think it's AWESOME what you are doing for your city and am glad we helped you find your calling. Thank you for the update and please feel free to update us or ask questions in the future. We will also include your organization on our site Take care and remember, rely on Him and He will give you everything you need in His time. :-) "

Submitted by: Darlene  @ Friday, August 7, 2009  - Colorado Springs , CO

"I want to thank the people who donated cat litter to me, and thank the person who drove to my house and put it on my doorstep. I have no idea how far you drove, I really appreciate it! It is the worst feeling in the world, watching your pet's supplies dwindle, knowing you have no check coming in to buy supplies. I have had my two cats for 8 years, and I have never been in this dire straits. This charity is really helping pets and people, I encourage everyone who can to donate something, whether it be their time, food, litter, flea treatment, or what have you! I am just so grateful for this charity's help, I fully intend on repaying your kindness. Thanks again! "

Submitted by: Mondia  @ Monday, August 10, 2009  - Houston , TX

"I just wanted to say what a blessing you are! We were thinking of giving up a pet due to financial reasons. You saved my Kandi from being dropped off at the SPCA. As soon as we are better off I will repay your kindness! God bless you and all who help you help our furry family members! "

Submitted by: Monica  @ Friday, August 14, 2009  - Houston , TX

"My husband lost his job back in April and he's a cancer survivor. Thank God that he's been cancer free for 3 years but he now has to take medication every 3 weeks, which is very expensive. On top of this, he lost his job back in April...and both of our vehicles have transmission issues. We have a beautiful 6 year old daughter and a handsome 1 year old Japanese Akita. With all of the expenses and only 1 income coming in, we were struggling to feed both ourselves and our dog. My daughter was dreading the possibility that we might have to give up our beloved Kenai. Through the grace of God, I was on Craigslist looking for any weekend jobs and I stumbled onto the ad for 4 Paws 4 Christ. I contacted this amazing organization and hoped for the best. On the following Tuesday as I stepped out of my house feeling miserable because I didn't have food for Kenai, I see bags of dog food (and biscuits) on my door step. I was filled with so much relief and gratitude that I almost started crying. It's because of the wonderful people from this organization that I was able to feed Kenai and use what little money we had left to buy groceries. I am forever grateful for the kindness and generosity that was shown to me and my family by 4 Paws 4 Christ. I will always keep them in my prayers and have given my word that the day my husband and I get back on our feet, we will give back to 4 Paws 4 Christ. We are all truly blessed to have people that can be so caring in the world. Thank you so much 4 Paws 4 Christ! "

Submitted by: T  @ Tuesday, August 18, 2009  - Houston , TX

"I lost my job and had no dog food. Not only did you come through for my dogs you dropped the food off. I am so grateful for your wonderful and helpful services. You are truly a blessing!! Your are doing such a wonderful thing. Thank you! "

Submitted by: krista  @ Tuesday, August 18, 2009  - houston , TX


Submitted by: ron  @ Wednesday, August 19, 2009  - houston , TX

"You guys are AWESOME!! We spoke late last night and first thing this morning we had 30lbs of dog food and a big bag of treats delivered to our door. When your husband was greeted at the door by a 115llb Pit Bull/Rottweiler...he didn't even flinch! LOL The dogs we take in here are the ones that no one else wanted to give a second chance. People like you remind us that there are others that care for these beautiful animals as much as we do. We support you and your organization 100% and thank you for your generosity. We are placing a link to you on our website and will do everything we can to let others know how they can help you continue to help others the way you helped us. God Bless...and keep doing what you do. You guys are great! Lisa Jezek Co-Founder of K-9 Safe Haven "

Submitted by: Lisa  @ Monday, August 24, 2009  - Houston , TX

"Thank You so very very much for helping me with cat food for my cats! You and your organization are truly a blessing to those of us who are having a hard time feeding our animals. God Bless You! "

Submitted by: Jennifer  @ Monday, August 24, 2009  - Houston , TX

"What a wonderful thing you are doing. I came home today to find 2 bags of food and canned food and even a large bag of greenies sitting by my door..My doggies and myself are very happy tonight. Doggies because they were VERY well fed and me because when they are happy I am happy. I can't thank you enough what you are doing and the blessing you brought to our family today..not just the dogs, but you lifted the 2 legged peoples' spirits in mankind today..thank you and please keep doing what you are doing! "

Submitted by: Julie  @ Tuesday, September 1, 2009  - Stafford , TX

"I am very greatful thesae people came when they did. We are going through a rough time right now. I am a single mom supporting a household of 5 and my husband has been out of work for a year due to the recession. We contacted this organization and they delivered right out to us. It was almost like Christmas... we opened the door and there it was... it was enought food for about a week and a half... one of my dogs is a rescue pup and we are just an average family that was recognized for the need of assistance. THANKS AGAIN FOR EVERYTHING "

Submitted by: Jill  @ Saturday, September 5, 2009  - Houston , TX

"Maribel and I, Lisa would like to thank Allison Walla, For donating food for our doggies, we really hit hard times, and having pride we refused to ask for help, I, Lisa read a posting about helping our pets in need of food, without asking questions Allison did not hesitate, and asked my address, and drop off food for all our doggies,to our front door. We cried and thank God For the help we recieved.And will never forget what her cause has helped us. Allison we do grooming and if we can help you with that please contact, It would be for our gift we recieved. God Bless You. Maribel & Lisa "

Submitted by: Maribel & Lisa  @ Sunday, September 6, 2009  - Sugar Land , TX

"Its a blessing that there are organizations like this to assist people or should I say assist PETS in need of food in times as difficult as these have been. Loss of jobs, the economy, etc. have put financial burdens on people with pets. In helping people at difficult times, helps the pets to stay with their owners, which is not an option for me in placing them in foster homes. My pets will never leave me -- until death do us part! "

Submitted by: Dee  @ Wednesday, September 9, 2009  - Katy , TX

"This is an amazing thing you are doing. It also breaks my heart to see so many animals in shelters or wandering the streets, abandoned. I wish I could bring home every homeless animal too! You are touching so many people and showing them God's love through your actions. I want to thank you for committing yourself to this and for delivering the dog food for my Oliver. I also would like to thank the generosity of all the donors out there. God bless!!! "

Submitted by: Kinsey  @ Thursday, September 17, 2009  - Katy , TX

"You guys are awesome! Thank God for people like you. Most Christian based groups are focused on helping just people, but ALL of God's creatures need help. He commanded it and you guys are doing it. Thank you so much for the food for our foster animals. Every kibble counts! "

Submitted by: Michelle  @ Monday, September 21, 2009  - Houston , TX

"Today I received the most wonderful gift on my door step!! I can't say thank you enough for helping fill a need where most people dont think there is one!! My heart is overjoyed to see such a wonderful blessing being given in the name of or Lord! Times are rough for us but I know that God will provide! Thank you for being used by God to provide for our family! I pray that it is returned 100 fold to yall!! God bless you and thank you again :-) "

Submitted by: Angela  @ Wednesday, September 23, 2009  - Katy , TX

"Thank You so much for your generosity! My mother was/is greatly appreciated on what ya'll were able to provide her. The last thing my mother would want is to give up her companions. We love what you are doing for the community and just hope that no one takes advantage of such a good heart. "

Submitted by: Maria  @ Thursday, September 24, 2009  - Houston , TX

"Once again, THANK you so much for dog food you delivered to my door...This has helped me feed 20 plus dogs here in our rescue group..This week we took in an injured dog that needed over $300 in vet care and your kind donation of food helped us stretch our weekly budget and everyone is well fed and happy..THANKS!! "

Submitted by: Julie  @ Sunday, September 27, 2009  - Stafford , TX

"I just wanted to say thank you for the blessing that you have giving by little baby. I was so happy to know that when I came home from work that my baby was blessed with her food to eat. I have never heard or ever heard of this place till I view it on craigslist, and it was a blessing to my puppy and myself. Once the Lord as put me back on track I want to give a donation to this ministry so another can be blessed as I was. thanks again provisions through christ & may each hand and heart in this ministry be blessed. "

Submitted by: angela  @ Wednesday, September 30, 2009  - spring , TX


Submitted by: faisal  @ Monday, October 12, 2009  - houston , TX

"I just want to say thanks to Allison Walla...I e-mailed her and ask for help to feed my 3 puppies. She was going to deliver but it was way too far for her ,and She mailed me a gift card so that I can feed my puppies....She didn't leave me hanging because I was so far out....God truly sent an ANGEL to help us when we are in need..If there is anything That I can do nto repay the BIG favor you did for me, Just say the word I'm there! "

Submitted by: Rosalin  @ Thursday, October 15, 2009  - Houston , TX

"I just want to say thank you again for helping me with Pumpkin and Apple the abandoned dogs on Cook rd. You are truly an angel over everyone!! You are doing a great service for those less fortunate and for those who don't have much that is trying to help a animal that was abandoned stay live you and your organization are truly a blessing and my you prosper and grow to reach many more people everywhere.God bless you ,yourfamily and this foundation!!Thanks PTCHRIST!!! "

Submitted by: Alecia  @ Friday, October 23, 2009  - Houston , TX

"I want to thank Allison for all her hard work on getting my dogs some food .. There was a mix up on the address info , and I sent her a email and since there was a mix up , she sent me a gift card to go get there food.. My dogs was happy... So a Big thanks from , ginger , maximo , prissy and katie ( the dogs names ) "

Submitted by: Nicole  @ Monday, October 26, 2009  - Humble , TX

"Words alone cannot explain how much PFT means to me. I was down on my luck and could not afford to buy food for my baby. PFT came through right away on two occasions. They even dropped off the dog food at my home while I was at work!! The world needs more people like this.Things are started to look better for me and as sson as I get on my feet I will definitely return the favor. God bless. "

Submitted by: Rolando  @ Tuesday, October 27, 2009  - Houston , TX

"Thanks for the food delivery! We are a small rescue group who took on an additional 12 cats that we had not planned on. They were rescued from an East Texas landfill and we could not turn them away. They are all sweet loving babies who did not deserve to be cruelly abandoned. This donation helps us out in our time of need. Thanks again from the foster parents and the foster kitties of All God's Creatures "

Submitted by: Valerie  @ Thursday, October 29, 2009  - Beaumont , TX

"Once again I want to thank you for your food donations to my dogs! What a blessing it is to have the help feeding all of them. Also the cats say thanks too for sending the canned food...what a great thing your group is doing to help the animals. "

Submitted by: Julie  @ Friday, October 30, 2009  - Stafford , TX

"I can't thank you enough for your help. I have a cat shelter needed temporary help. This group was right there for me. I was surprised at the quick answer to my call and the rapid response to my situation. You saved us and I will never be able to thank you enough. I would recommend this group to anyone. "

Submitted by: Dianne  @ Tuesday, November 3, 2009  - Waller , TX

"Thank you so very much for the dog and cat food for my father. We both appreciate it beyond what any words can express. Your mission is truly a blessing for all animal lovers that come across trying times. "

Submitted by: Kathryn  @ Friday, November 13, 2009  - Sugar Land , TX

"I'd like to thank the people who donated pet food and Allison Walla. You guys are Great Angels! my cat really loves the foods. I'd appreciate your help. God Bless You All. "

Submitted by: Loi  @ Sunday, December 6, 2009  - Houston , TX

"I thank you guys so much for helping me feed my 2 cats you guys are greatly appreated thanks to you all i still have my 2 cats to help me though the hard times am the same way i will do whatever it takes to make sure my cats are taken careof cause they keep me happy and calm thanks and god bless. "

Submitted by: Paul  @ Tuesday, December 8, 2009  - Houston , TX

"thanks so very much being disabled and struggling the assistance to feed the cats and dog I have taken in that were strays in the wild will really make it brighter for us.... "

Submitted by: Sharon  @ Monday, December 14, 2009  - Humble , TX

"THERE ARE NOT THE WORDS TO EXPRESS HOW MUCH WHAT YOU ALL HAVE DONE TO HELP US OUT! I am so thankful for all that you have done and continue to do for not only myself but for others as well. I think that I speak for everyone (pets included) that without what you have done, some of us may not be here (pets). I WANT TO THANK ALLISON PERSONALLY FOR WHAT SHE DID FOR MY FAMILY. I wasnt here when you all came by, and I am not sure where ya'll were heading or where you came from. but I THANK YOU SO MUCH for the food that you gave to my precious babies! THANK YOU AGAIN! "

Submitted by: Samantha  @ Tuesday, December 15, 2009  - Houston , TX

"I want to thank Provisions Through Christ. You are true pet lovers, and I want to tell everyone there thanks for everything. All (10) rescued dogs want to say thanks also. Your response was quick and in time. You knew what our needs were and you met them without question. If anyone that is reading this and you really need assistances please give them a try, you will not be let down. And if you are in the position to donate to Provisions Through Christ do it. This is a great team they have, and they need our support. Thanks Again. Mike and Family. All 34 of us. "

Submitted by: Michael  @ Tuesday, December 15, 2009  - Conroe , TX

"I have a story to tell. I wish to write a book about all the puppies that we have rescued. My son and I lived in our car and still helped every neglected and abused animal we saw. We lived in the small car w/ 5 doggies. Everyone I met thought I was LOCA but I also treat animals like they are little kids, because they are God's creatures too. I have 8 doggies (had 9 but Nala just went to "Doggie Heaven"), 2 sugargliders and a cockatiel. I absolutely adore you and am glad that there are other people with such a passion for "PUPPY KIDS" I call my foster children "pups" and my puppies "kids" "

Submitted by: Kapeka  @ Thursday, December 17, 2009  - Katy , TX

"I have been fortunate to to receive the extra help I need in feeding my dogs through this organization while i struggle to obtain a full-time job after getting layed off...i am truly grateful and my many dogs are too... "

Submitted by: Dee  @ Saturday, January 2, 2010  - Katy , TX

"Once again I am writing to say thank you from the bottom of my heart from me and my 4 legged friends for the food you provide! It is such a blessing to have the help to feed all these rescue dogs and the rescue puppies that just keep coming to me. They are healthy, happy dogs with your help and generosity. Thank you. Julie Martinez Annie's Angels "

Submitted by: Julie  @ Saturday, January 9, 2010  - Stafford , TX

"Thank You so much for helping me out with dog food for all the dogs that I rescue. They are truly thankful and so am I that we have your organization to help people that are in need. Thank you so much. "

Submitted by: Jennifer  @ Thursday, January 14, 2010  - Houston , TX

"I LOVE what you are doing to keep animals out of the shelters due to people's lack of funds to buy food for their animals. I'm so inspired by what you are doing, I'm contemplating starting the same type of organization in North Texas. I've always wanted to have a "no kill" shelter, but I'm not able to care for any more animals than I already have, so this may be the perfect way I can help. I will start researching now. Thanks for caring for hungry animals! "

Submitted by: Renee  @ Friday, February 5, 2010  - , TX

"Renee, I'd love to email you, but unfortunately I do not have your contact information. If you ever feel so inclined to start up a pet pantry in your area, I would be more than happy to offer tips, advice, etc. Thank you for the reinforcement. It's so nice to hear that we have inspired someone else to help others. God bless you! "

Submitted by: Allison  @ Friday, February 5, 2010  - Founder/President , TX

"Just want to say thank you for the dog and cat food It was a big help. Blessings Francine Swieca "

Submitted by: Francine  @ Wednesday, March 10, 2010  - Houston , TX

"I can't thank this organization enough. My dog is heartworm positive and between vet visits and living in a fixed income they helped me in my time of need. God bless them for having such a big heart. Keep up the good work! "

Submitted by: Mercy  @ Friday, March 19, 2010  - Stafford , TX

"I just want to say "THANK YOU". You are doing a wonderful and kindness work. God bless all your generosity. "

Submitted by: Yasmin  @ Thursday, March 25, 2010  - Spring , TX

"I would like to thank you so mush for the help your organization has provided my family I truly am grateful for the food and treats you and your group provided.And my four legged baby's are grateful also. I hope one day I will be able to return the favor thanks again.The Addison family "

Submitted by: Lidia  @ Friday, March 26, 2010  - Houston , TX

"I just wanted to say thank you for the dog food. When I came home from the doctor, it was on my porch..I just had to let you know Snapper gobbled up a can of food like he had never ate. You are doing a wonderful job in helping people in need to keep their pets. I hope, no I know that one day soon I will gladly return the favor that you bestowed upon me & Snapper.. I can thank you and your husband and support group enough..May God continue to watch over you and yours in his very own special way..God Bless "

Submitted by: kris  @ Tuesday, April 6, 2010  - houston , TX

"We recieved the Dog food and I mixed it with their regular food ... I can now stretch the amount I have ... Thank you ... I hope to re-pay the act of love ! And my Babies Thank you too !! Judy Standridge "

Submitted by: Judy  @ Friday, April 16, 2010  - Houston , TX

"What a wonderful service you are providing. We first learned about you at the Hotel Derek. It is uplifting to see all of the people and their pets that you have helped. I could not imagine having to give up my pets because I had to choose to feed myself or them. Keep up the good work and bless you and all that you do. "

Submitted by: Renee  @ Monday, June 14, 2010  - Missouri City , TX

"Provisions Through Christ has been, quite literally, a godsend to my family. Financial hardships have forced us to look anywhere we can to provide for our wonderful furry friends, and I cannot possibly say enough praise for PTC to do them justice. Thank you, thank you, thank you. "

Submitted by: Dylan  @ Friday, July 9, 2010  - Richmond , TX

"I just want to start by saying Thank you very very much, I cannot express in words how grateful my family is for helping us get through this hard time. I walked outside today to find three bags of pet food for our kitties and our dogs. I didn't even notice when someone came to our doorstep to drop it off. You guys are angels. Our pets are our family and we would have hated to rehome them because of hard times because if we wouldn't do that to our children why do it to our pets, We are faithful to them like they are faithful to us, and you guys made it possible for us to keep them. Thank you times a million and god bless you. I will be sure to return the favor when we see better times :0) "

Submitted by: Christina  @ Tuesday, July 20, 2010  - Houston , TX

"I cannot describe how grateful i am. What a blessing it is to have people like PTC in this world. Bless the young man who drove to my house and brought dinner to my Belle. Thank you so so much! "

Submitted by: elida  @ Saturday, July 31, 2010  - houston , TX

"Hey! I just wanted to say thank you soooo much for the dog food! that helped us out alot! My babies thank you too as they wont be going hungry tomorrow night. It was such a blessing to step out my door and see 20+ lbs of dog/puppy food sitting there. Thank you so much . Sincerely Ashley & Roy, Pudge , Fluffy and puppies "

Submitted by: Ashley  @ Wednesday, October 13, 2010  - Houston , TX

"I just want to say Thank YOu for helping me. They brought me 15 lbs. of dog food and 4 lbs. of cat food. I greatly appreciate it! And man it was literally at my frount door waiting for me. These people are awesome and they are a blessing not only to the animals but to the owners. Once again thank you for helping me and just for everything you do for this world. Thank You.. God Bless "

Submitted by: Brandy  @ Thursday, October 28, 2010  - Houston , TX

"I cant say thank enough for the dog food that I received yesterday!!! A huge weight has lifted off my shoulders now because I do not have to worry how I am going to feed my babies!! I have 3 large henzy 57 babies and my kids love them dearly. When I told my son that we might have to find our babies a new home he was not happy and until I found you I really thought I was going to have to let my babies go. I rescued all my 4 legged babies and they have been the best of best friend my family could have asked for!!! Thanks again for all that you do and my God continue to bless you and your family!!! "

Submitted by: Robin  @ Wednesday, November 3, 2010  - Needville , TX

"I want to thank PTC for their help in my time of need. I have been out of work for quite a while and I thought I was going to have to give my babies up since I can no longer buy food for them. I've had my babies since birth. My dog, 11 and my 2 cats, 9 and 12. They are my children and I don't know what I would do without them. May God continue blessing this organization with donations to help out people in need with their babies. "

Submitted by: Renae  @ Monday, January 10, 2011  - Houston , TX

"Provisions through Christ INC. has beena a true blessing to us and our pets as the hard times came upon us it got harder and harder for us to afford pet food. They brought me a much needed bag of puppy food. It was only my husband working and his checks were only enough for the bills and a very small amount for people food. We tried to give the pets food first and us last. PTCI helped us and We need puppy food again, but I have just started a new job and I hope that I will be able to give back when I can. They are truely a GOD send. "

Submitted by: Judy  @ Friday, February 18, 2011  - Houston , TX

"This organization is amazing. They provided my animals with food when we had none to provide. Our household consists of the 2 of us and we are both unemployed and our 4 animals that depend on us to provide for them. We didn't have food for ourselves and then had none for the animals and PTC provided. I feel so blessed that my animals now have food and their bellies are full. I plan to give back to them when I am in a better financial situation to do so. I am grateful that they were there and thankful that I came upon their ad on craigslist and could ask for help. Our God is GREAT!!! "

Submitted by: Melvin  @ Wednesday, March 16, 2011  - Houston , TX

"I think its amazing what you are doing!!!! I just stumbled across this and have never heard of anyone else doing this!!! "

Submitted by: Robyn  @ Thursday, March 24, 2011  - Spring , TX

"Thank you so very much for assisting with some food needed for our Pet Awareness Day Event, combined of several organizations, including the city and county, vets, SNAP, dog and cat rescuers coming together to assist in the low income areas where assistance is needed for neglected and homeless animals or pet owners needing assistance! We will put you on our Sponsor's Thank You Poster and may God bless you so many times for the work you are doing! "

Submitted by: Patti  @ Wednesday, May 4, 2011  - Houston , TX

"I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping us out. This will help greatly and things will get better. May God bless you as you have bllessed us. "

Submitted by: MARY  @ Thursday, July 14, 2011  - SEALY , TX

"I thank God for this wonderful people. I have fallen on hard times do to spinal injury. Surgerys have kept me working. I am so glad God has through this place has helped me with my 4 legged babies. Thank You and may God Bless you and your loved ones. "

Submitted by: Larissa  @ Wednesday, July 27, 2011  - splendora , TX

"My husband lost his job ... so it really hard to do the think we use to do. Thanks to the help of Provisions Throught Christ Inc for providing food for our dogs; it help us alot that we can still keep our dogs feed and health. Thank you so much for all your help ... :) "

Submitted by: Cheryl  @ Tuesday, August 2, 2011  - Houston , TX

"What an awesome help you all were to myself, and my 3 "babies", Max, Harley,and Truman. We were staying in a Hotel as we had lost our Home. While at work, I found your Website as I was worrried about how I was going to feed my doggies. It was 5pm on a Friday when I filled out a request for help online. By the next morning, Someone from your Organazation came to the Hotel while I was out, and delivered food, AND treats to our room! I had happy chills, and cried joyfully at the thought of you caring so much! Thank you all for helping us, and I plan on paying it forward by donating back to Provisions as soon as I am able. God Bless eaxh one of you. :) "

Submitted by: Jackie  @ Monday, August 22, 2011  - Houston , TX

"What an awesome help you all were to myself, and my 3 "babies", Max, Harley,and Truman. We were staying in a Hotel as we had lost our Home. While at work, I found your Website as I was worrried about how I was going to feed my doggies. It was 5pm on a Friday when I filled out a request for help online. By the next morning, Someone from your Organazation came to the Hotel while I was out, and delivered food, AND treats to our room! I had happy chills, and cried joyfully at the thought of you caring so much! Thank you all for helping us, and I plan on paying it forward by donating back to Provisions as soon as I am able. God Bless eaxh one of you. :) "

Submitted by: Jackie  @ Monday, August 22, 2011  - Houston , TX

"thank you for the dog and cat food since i have been unemployed for more than a year it was just guidence thru christ that i found your website i had just ran out of food when you delivered so it is GOD SEND "

Submitted by: theresa  @ Tuesday, August 30, 2011  - conroe , TX

"I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the pet food that was delivered today.I have been out of work and looking for employement for a long while, your help means so much.Provisions Through Christ is a wonderful organization,Thank You So Much. "

Submitted by: Eva  @ Tuesday, May 8, 2012  - Houston , TX

"" My husband and I had reached a point where we weren't working. Our female pit bull, which we had rescued, had just had 10 puppies. We also have a smaller puppy. So we had 2 children and 13 puppies. our income was already limited so some days the older pits were going without food or living off leftovers or whatever I could give them, even if it was just plain rice with veggies. Either way, I wasn't going to let them starve. I found Provisions through Christ when surfing on the internet. I contacted them via email and was answered almost immediately. I was given food to feed my puppies and my dogs just in the nick of time. I love my dogs and they are sweeter than sugar and full of kisses. I am so glad they exist and as soon as we are able, I plan to give back to show my full appreciation. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!! "

Submitted by: Roshika  @ Monday, May 14, 2012  - Houston , TX

"What an awesome Ministry. :) I am so grateful for the help I rec'd for my doggies. Thank you SO much! "

Submitted by: Jackie  @ Tuesday, May 22, 2012  - Katy , TX

"Thank you so much for dropping off cat and dogfood for my 3 cats and dog, they were so excited to eat pet food instead of me giving half of my human food to them. ive been unemployed for 3 months, in debt by $1900 with no running car. Almost gave away my cats away to a shelter because they seemed upset about eating people food since i didnt have any money to buy them food, until i found out about Provisions through Christ :) Thank you <3 "

Submitted by: Jessica  @ Tuesday, November 13, 2012  - Houston , TX

"i wanna thank god and you guys for what your doing to help animals i wanna thank you for having the time to bring me dog food we really appreciate your help you guys are a blessing from god thank you again and god bless you guys "

Submitted by: jose  @ Thursday, January 3, 2013  - houston , TX


Submitted by: PATTY  @ Tuesday, July 30, 2013  - Houston , TX

"You are amazing mom!!!what you do is amazing I love you so much!!!i love you so much!! Love your Daughter "

Submitted by: KC  @ Sunday, January 17, 2016  - Fulsher , TX

PTC, Inc. Public Documents